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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Duke season cancelled

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some freshman on the lacrosse team that went to my highschool were there at the beginng of the party, but they left before it all went down. i knew them an di knew they wouldnt do wut went down, so im glad they left the party

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Just blows my mind how guys with everything they could ask for for the taking doing something that would involve dancers/prostitutes whatever. I was crazy when I was 18, but at my worst I never wanted to go to parties like that. Even if the girl is lying, I'm just saying they could have avoided it by chosing to ... even if you need tail you could get it in other places at a place like Duke. That's all I'm trying to say. Why go for some dancer who has a crimminal history?

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I guess my point is.. why go for a dancer at all. I'm a guy and I like to party but I'm not one for strange girls. I don't think it would be a PITA to find a good group of girlfriends /buddies at Duke if you wanted to have a great social life. Maybe my style of partying is different...

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