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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the difference between Int vs Senior sticks?

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a friend of mine gave me an Intermediate Synergy si-core (the orange one) and I figured I'd use it tonight .. I was comparing it to my regular sticks and the only difference I can really tell is the thickness of the shaft, well also this is only a 75 flex.. however, the blade seems to be about the same size as any Senior size blade. is there going to be any noticable disadvantage to using this stick, besides maybe getting used to holding the skinnier shaft? the length is not a problem.

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been using an intermediate synergy shaft for about a year. Took a normal senior blade, sanded down the hosel a bit, and inserted it in the shaft... works like a charm. Btw, I inserted the blade into the top end of the shaft (where the end plug used to be)

The flex does take a little getting use to though, but I prefer the smaller profile of the shaft... I was previously using a Easton Cyclone (aluminum shaft).

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this is a 1-piece so there won't be any blade issues.. I normally use a 100flex synergy grip or an 85 flex z-bubble, so this lighter flex will probably take a little getting used to but not too much. I was just messing around with a golfball on the carpet, and already kind of adjusted to the slimmer shaft.. I think I'll bring another stick with me just in case though.

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easton int shafts take int blades, mission int shafts take jr. blades, and all else is senior im pretty sure. i know theres an intermediate synthesis/synergy II blade, not sure about z-carbon etc.

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easton int shafts take int blades, mission int shafts take jr. blades, and all else is senior im pretty sure. i know theres an intermediate synthesis/synergy II blade, not sure about z-carbon etc.

That is true for tapered shafts. Easton standard Int. shafts take Sr. blades. Zcarbons come in Sr. and Jr.

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