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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hello from Croatia, Europe!

I'm in big trouble. I ordered a pair of 5500 skates in D with(size 9). But, I got EE instead of D. Actually I didn't have them on my feet. Couse, I got them from lady in Switzerland. She sent them to my friend overthere. He 'll be here at my home in 5 days, so I'm very ancious).

Now comes the trouble part...

I'm wearing RM model skates size 9D. At the begining of my game they feel OK, but after 45mins they start to hurt my feet on the sides . From half foot towards the front. After 1,5 hour I can't even stand on them.

So, what I'm asking is this: Are they RM's (D) too narrow, or it's because I tied them to much or just need wider model EE.

In other post on this forum I read that Justin specified that this year models D are wider than last years. Did that apply on my RM's?

So what shall I do?

Can I sleep in peace until try them on?

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Sounds to me that the RM's are too narrow. I believe the EE's will probably fit you better. How tight are you tightening the front part of the laces? Too tight will also do this.

I had the same issue with a set of older mission skates. the wider widths did help. One thing to note: the toe cap is wider on the newest mission skates as well. (I believe I saw somewhere Justin mentioned 4mm's wider than the regular width)

Hope this helps...now get some rest! ;)

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Yesterday I finnaly got my hands on 5500's. I'm in love, again.

On the other side, I'm little worried. EE wide is OK. But I'm feeling a little heel lifting. . You know, here in Croatia, we don't have skate bake owen. So I'm wondering, when I break them in a old fashioned way should heel lifting wanished, or skates are just to big

for me? (I wear 9D in previous RM, 5500's are 9EE)?

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