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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much in Canadian dollars do you think I could get for my Xbox. Im selling the Xbox System, 7-9 Games, 2 Controllers, DVD attachment and remote, Headset, and Ethernet Cable.

Im just wondering. The Xbox is also in good condition

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i was just looking on ebay, and there was an xbox with 5 games and 2 controllers, with 3 hours left was at 46 dollars.. i couldnt believe it..

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I wouldn't say it's worthless. Lots of guys want to buy one to replace theirs or families that want a second one or someone that's always wanted one but didn't have the cash etc.

Besides, the 360 is just an overpriced useless box at this point as far as I'm concerned. With no killer games on it yet what's the point in trying to buy one - you still can't even go to a Best Buy or wherever in the US and pick one up. I'm still digging my xbox games til Halo3 comes out which won't be til sometime 2007.

As for value of your xbox system, it will also depend on your games. If you have some newer stuff they'll definitely get you more money than a bunch of 2-3 year old games.

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