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hockey in quebec

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im looking at doing a gap year in the quebec area next winter as a ski instructor and i want to be able to play hockey. so i was wondering what prices are like to join a team and does anybody what league would be of a similar standard to the scottish national league? thanks

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If you're under 21, you could actually play in a minor hockey leage, junior level. It goes from AA to B. They have a lot of teams around the Quebec City area.

By the way, there is contact in AA and BB, but not in A and B(it is semi-contact). There isn't much difference between AA/BB and A/B. The speed of the game is pretty much the same, the only major difference is, like I said, contact.

I don't know what the Scotish National League is, but it looks to be a good level, so you might want to try out for Junior AA.

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Yes, if your under 21 you could play local Junior. You'd have to travel in a couple of cities tho, never too far (45 mins of road max... if you play A or B, Much more in BB, AA or AAA).

You'll have no problem finding a beer league in Québec as hockey is really popular. Just call the local rink and ask for a league which matches your skill level, age, etc...

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To throw the question kinda back at you, what level is the SNL? Is it a Senior hockey league? Full checking? Semi-pro? What is the level of play comparable with?

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yea i dont mind travelling because we have to travel a few hundred miles to most of our games in scotland. The snl standard is the hightest level in scotland and is full contact. it is around the same standard as the English Premier Ice Hockey League

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English Premier Ice Hockey League? Sorry you're analogy was lost on me: I'm quite Canadian. I'm actually kinda wondering cause I'd like to know if I could play at that level.

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#66, Are you doing it with Ski Le Gap? I did one of these courses last year with "The International Academy", gaining my level 1 and Level 2 CSIA.

It maybe tempting to play hockey but I only managed to get in a couple of pick up games, the skiing takes plenty out of you and you don't really have time for anything else, it is a lot of work gaining your instructor qualification so if thats what you mostly want to do then work on that, the hockey should come second.

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