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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Questions for guys who play on asphalt.....

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For all you guys that play on asphalt, how often do you rotate your wheels???? Ive found out that after about 2-3 hours of skate time(not actualy game playing) my rear and front wheels have significantly worm down already???

Now, i am practicing to learn how to turn sharp, and turn really sharp to try and stop(which i still havent gotten???) So is this wear noraml, and how often deo you guys rotate... take note that i am also 240lbs....

And of course, everyone loves visual aid so......


Also, where can i get mission replacement axles??? I acidentenly messed one up when i was originaly changing the wheel......

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Different people wear down wheels differently. I played in a summer league on asphalt last summer and would rotate at least 2 of my wheels after every game. I'm also a big guy and find myself going through wheels like crazy. I use Rink Rat World Cups for all my outdoor play.

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I'm playing only on asphalt. Change every game (1,5-2h) is ideal for wheel's long lasting, imo.

I see you have 5500's. I got them yesterday. Still haven't tried them on asphalt, it's raining outside. Only walking around the house. I notice some little heel lifting. (it's on another thread). Do you have similiar experiences?

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as in the heel coming away from the boot??? Yes, i did notice that as well when i was walking/rolling around my house on the carpet, but i thought it might have been due to the fact that i thought mine were a half size big from me....

It didnt seem to bother me while i was skating though..... do plan to change out your rink rats for a harder wheel??? I heard they wouldnt hold up too well, so i put mine on a shelf in case i join an indoor league

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I"m not a big guy and I don't rotate my wheels that often, but I find it very common to have your front and rear wheels wearing down faster than the middle two. It just happens because in maneuvering and turning you usually end up on your toes or your heels. IF you've ever seen a skate that can "rocker", that means that you can adjust the chassis to either raise your front and back wheels or lower your middle to to achieve that same maneuverability.

Some Mission chassis came with the front wheel raised by default, while the new nike/bauer "one-up" chassis come with a smaller back wheel to achive a raised back wheel effect.

This seems a bit steep, but but I found replacement axles here.

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It didnt seem to bother me while i was skating though..... do plan to change out your rink rats for a harder wheel??? I heard they wouldnt hold up too well, so i put mine on a shelf in case i join an indoor league

Maybe I'll put mine also on a shelf, couse some indoor tournaments in Slovenia. Here in Croatia we play only on asphalt. So rink RAT will die in a short time. :))

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As others have said rotate them after every game. Rotation is a must for maintaining wheels. Also if you play on asphalt try and get a high durometer wheel. Good looking with the stopping!

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Here in Croatia we play only on asphalt.
Do you play with full contact, and a ball or puck?

We are playing ball, also trying to use puck, but it's hard on asphalt. Puck gets vertical and rolling like wheel. It's non contact hockey, but sometimes becomes very much full contact. Especially, when someone gets frustrated by a score. (hahaha)

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