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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

How do you put a password on a file folder?

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Actually if it's XP, the best thing to do would be to change the permissions on the folder so that only 1 account can access it. Everyone else would get an "access denied" message. Can't do this with win9x though.

I'm pretty sure that if you password protect a zip file, someone else can still see the contents of the .zip file. They just can't access the files inside. That may or may not work depending on what he's trying to accomplish.

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I will second that. LOL I have tried putting passwords on folders before, you just can't do it, which kinda sucks because now my brother can read all my chat logs with people.

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There are some programs you can download that will make the folder not only password protected but also hidden. I haven't tried any of those in the link myself, but on my old computer I had some similar program some years ago and it worked fine, but I don't remember what it was called. But you can check these out...


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if you use XP you could put your files in a zip folder, and you can add a password to that.

Where do I get a zip folder? Oh and thank you everyone for the support :D

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Make a new folder.

Drag all your files into them

Drag the folder onto the desktop

Then when your files are on the desktop in one folder:

Right Click


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