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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips on using the drury curve

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i ordered a weight dolomite curve and the shipping kinda screwed me so that i have no time to prctice with it before a game

its supposedly a drury clone and ive been using sakic or modo my whole life with no problems

anything to watch out for or anything u guys noticed that helped with this blade

ive just heard of how wicked a curve it is and was kinda freaked out

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The Weight is NOT a Drury clone, the Kovalev is. Different people on this board have had different opinions about what kind of curve the Weight might be, most seem to think it'll be similar to the old Mogilny, which is similar to the Sakic you're used to. In fact, the Mogilny is (was) kind of a Sakic with a Modano curve depth, so if the Weight is similar to the Mogilny, you shouldn't have a hard time adjusting.

P.S.: ePuck has great customer service and a good selection, but their descriptions of blade patterns are often completely off.

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