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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michigan Adult Tourneys

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Who is participating in either a Labatt or Bud Light hockey adult tourny this spring/summer in michigan (surrounding states also)? Looking to see what tournies there are besides the WRIF/Labatt in June and if there are any other tournies being hosted around the area.

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i checked the boards for a tourney post too and didnt see that one, must have blinked while looking.

How many guys are comitted to playing? I see one post saying 6 Defenseman which in itself is crazy and wouldnt work. I am interested and would play if enough guys are going to get together that want to play. What division cause i know the WRIF A division is sick and they usually have pro's and D-1 players. The last time i played in that tourney we got waxed and we all played college, and last year there were 3 D1 players and our team got waxed. Shows you the competition, so I favor the B division so we have a good time and chance of winning/placing. That is if all the people on here are good to their word on how good they are at the game..... Let me know JR.

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