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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pronger curve

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Anyone have experience with the Pronger curve. I saw it tonight at my LHS. It seems to be a really open face which looks like you could drive real power, but I am not sure I have seen anyone ever playing with it...

the one I saw was a RBK4000 for 80

I thought he was bauer?

but anyway, anyone use this curve? thoughts?

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Dunno what his Pro curve looks like, but he just got a good look at Kunitz's pattern...or at least his mouth did.

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Lecavalier Clone,nothing like the Drury,other than its a heel curve.LIdstrom Like if anything. And its 4K not 4000.

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i aboslutely love this curve. has a nice rocker on the heel blade, the patter suits my shot fairly well too. i was much more accurate switching to the Pronger from the Bauer Gagne (pl10)

edit: was kind of awkward to tape though...

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nice curve i had it when i bought a 4k for rollerhockey.

its quite a big curve but not too much.

havent seen his pro one.

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