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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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some stick comparisons?

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:blink: im trying to see what OPS stick to get ..cause i can get a new stick soon but i heard a lot differents pros and cons and i would like other opinions. the stick im deciding about are as follows: Synergy SL, Stealth, TPS Adrenaline, RBK 7K, or a CCM Vector 130C. i would appriciate all the help i can get.

thanks in advance..Kovalchuk_fan

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SL- maybe if your rich and have money to get more

Stealth- not sure, just more durable than the SL IMO

Adrenaline-good durability, feel is love or hate (is what i hear)

rbk 7k-no idea

ccm v130-first batch was screwed up, i wouldn't suggest a 130 over the some of the other options you listed.

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What are your priorities in a stick? What curve/flex are you looking for? Have you been able to try any of these (whether it be a teammates/friends or other way of getting your hands on one)?

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What are your priorities in a stick? What curve/flex are you looking for? Have you been able to try any of these (whether it be a teammates/friends or other way of getting your hands on one)?

Without any idea of this information and more, any suggestions for you are really pointless

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i haven't try any out, but i do have flexs and curves..Easton sticks:85 Flex/Iginla

TPS:Whip flex/Nash, CCM:Reechi/Medium, and RBK:Datsyuk/a medium flex...

i play legt wing and im pretty fast...and i go after puck and and my stick gets jammed places..so i would need a durable one.

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If it were up to me I would go with the Adrenaline. Ive used SL's, Stealth's, and 7k's no v130's though. Out of those I have used it was my favorite. Like other people said SL's are very good performers but the durability sucks, Stealth's performance is good to (i thought the SL's was better though as far as durability it's not much greater then the SL like supermanly already said) , v130 havent used one, but a friend had a pro stock v130 and it didnt last him for more than a month and a half or so, and my 7k's were pro stock so I dont know how much different they would be from retail but they both felt kind of wierd. It felt almost two light and the blade felt really light which may be a good thing if you like it like that, but I found myself sometimes "forgetting" the puck. And for the Adrenaline really no complaints at all. Mine lasted pretty long and took a lot of abuse also I liked the puck feel of it, it felt very nice and its light but not to light, and imo its well balanced to.

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