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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about mission roller hockey skates

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OK, so I have been practising my skating on regular cheap sports authority roller blades, and am thinking of getting hockey skates.

I saw these on e-bay, and it ends in 2 hours.

My question is, do mission really fit like shoes, I am a size 13 shoe, so will these be ok

And second question, what else do I need to get along with the boots? Wheels I know, but what else, and is it expensive.

Thank you

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There's no hardware in that auction so in addition to wheels and bearings you'll need axles and spacers. That model skate uses flush mounted 6mm axles and sleeve-style 608 spacers.

If you go ahead with the purchase, let me know. I can sell you a full set of new OEM axles and spacers for 25 bucks flat (no shipping cost).

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up until this years models, most fit about a half size bigger than shoe ie: size 10 shoe, size 9.5 skate. This is of course my personal preference for a snug fit. This years models run a full size bigger ie: 10 shoe, 9 skate.

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