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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior MacDaddy

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Anyone used the Inno Warrior MacDaddy that can share some opinions? Like, dislike, durability, control, shot, etc... Talking the OPS, not the shaft. Thanks

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Buy it you wont be sorry. It's an AWESOME stick with a great feel. Not sure about how durable it will be long term.

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I havent used either but just from holding them both in my hands I felt like the dolomite was lighte than the mackdaddy. I also dont feel that "true one piece sticks" are really better performance wise than fused shaft and blade one pieces so I would suggest to save the money and get a dolomite. As far as durability goes are one pieces really durable anyways? Just a thought

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MacDaddy = SICK. Thats all you have to know.

As to the guy that said the Dolomite is lighter than the Daddy, wait till you use it on the ice. Ive used a Starskie, then MacDaddy, then now Im using a Grip Dolomite. You can definitely feel the difference in weight on the ice. I think that the MD is more like an SL, where the Dolomite would be like your ST. All in all, I have been an Easton user for years, and Ive almost completely switched to Warrior. I got about 3 hard weeks of use out of my MD where I would get about 3 days with my SL's. 3 weeks for a OPS for me is unreal...so Im pretty excited about that.

Edit: As for the statement above as TrueOne vs. fused...I agree. I had the MD, and bought a dolomite once that broke. It has a different feel for sure, but its kind of a person preference. I thought the 100 flex MD was much stiffer than my 100 flex dolomite..They both have there pro's and con's.

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i had 3 dolomites but they were same as the macdaddys but different paint.

sick stick nice balence good release..up there with the stealth for feel but completly different

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