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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf supra 735 problem

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I recently got these skates and coming from synergy 1300c's i was told these skates would put me slightly more on my heels, so i asked for a forward pitch to match the synergys. When playing in them, they couldnt be more different, i felt was to forward to the point it was uncomfortable. So i have been wearing them in the house, and just sitting on the computer i am finding my calf, hamstrings and lower back are becoming sore, would this be due to the pitch pushing my calfs up almost like high heels would? And if so could it be resolved by getting another profile to remove the forward tilt or would i have to replace the runner with a tuuk?


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all graf skates with cobra holders have a forward pitch, more so than any other retail skate i have seen. you might have made the already forward pitch even deeper

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haha no, what im trying to say is that the way it will shorten the calfs by pushing them up, like in the high heels..that i dont wear xD

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get them profiled to neutral, since the cobra is mounted forward, it'll make you feel better. I've been in the same boat until i learned about radiusing/profiling

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