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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jay's Graf-x?

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So I sent my helmet to Jay's Graf-x in Illinois about a month ago and haven't heard from the guy since. When I emailed him for a qoute and about the design I wanted, he was very good about responding. But now that he has my money and my helmet, I can't get a hold of the guy! I sent him a couple of emails asking him about the progress, no response. I called the phone# he gave me, just get a busy signal. Anybody have any experience with this guy?

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Just an update: since I paid by paypal, I just filed a dispute against Jay's Graf-x. I'll let everyone know if anything comes of it.

I sent a 3rd email to Jay's Graf-x yesterday and still haven't gotten a response.

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Now I'm sure that his shop hasn't been broken into recently, his medical condition is under control and his 'mentor' is guiding him. :blink:


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Another update:

So I filed the dispute through Paypal a month ago, and magically within the same day Jays Graf-x contacts me! They said:

"Whoa… we got an e-mail from paypal that you are trying to dispute the charge. If this is correct we will make sure we strip that mask back down prior to sending it. We don’t do work for free around here."

Seems odd that they would say that. From what I can tell, they don't seem to do work for $350 either. Anyway, I replied that I hadn't heard from them and the phone # they provided didn't work. So they gave me a new phone # (this one works) and tell me that they're in the middle of finishing off. My gut reaction was that they barely had started at this point. So, over the past few weeks I've left 5-6 phone messages (nobody ever picks up), and have sent 7-8 emails. I have yet to recieve one single call back, and they seem to respond to every 6th or 7th email. Every email contains one excuse or another. Blah, blah, we're working on it, we'll send you a picture of it tomorrow, blah blah. I have yet to recieve any picture at all. Not that this is a big deal, but 1) that was in their sales pitch (I'll send you a pic, we'll discuss, then I'll finish painting), 2)a picture would also prove that they as a company are doing what I'm paying them to do. As of today, I still have no proof.

I sent them an email last Monday and got a response on Wednesday stating that they shipped out the helmet the previous day (but they didn't give me a tracking number). So I requested a tracking number but they haven't replied to my email.

Without a tracking number, I have no way of knowing whether my helmet is on its way, or still sitting in their shop.

That's how it stands right now. I'll give an update when (if) I recieve my helmet. Just to make it clear, I have no problem with the time this has taken. For a kickass paint job, I'll wait for it. However the level of customer service I've recieved from Jay's Graf-x is so far south of "unacceptable", I can't even quantifiy it. As a paid customer, I can't imagine that a timely response or call back is too much to ask for.

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Well, I'm not sure how much I can talk about, since I have a lawyer buddy on the case. But I'll just relay the facts.

After repeated attempts to contact Jay's Graf-x and receiving no response, I talked to my friend who's a lawyer. I finally got my helmet back in early to mid July. The helmet was in the very same condition as when I sent it to them. This explains why I never received pictures of the progress of the paintjob.

Curiously, through checking the tracking number via UPS, Jay's Graf-x was billed for the shipment back to me in the first week of May, but the box was never physically picked up by UPS until the 31st of May. The box was also received in poor condition. This may have to do more with UPS than with Jay's Graf-x.

The $350 I paid Jay's Graf-x for the paintjob has still not been refunded.

My laywer has contacted Jay's Graf-x, and his local police and district attorney.

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