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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming products...

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I was thinking of getting some salming products and i just wanted to see what some of their products compared to. I'm looking at their F1 skates, pants and PG1 gloves. I know a lot of people talk highly of them.

Anyways, so what other skates do their F1's compare to? I'm using vapor XX's and i know they're going to deteriorate shortly. As for their pants and gloves i've read people described them as higher end gear for a resonable price.

Opinions appreciated.

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I skate in F1s.. I love um.

they fit like a tigheter ccm tack but are hands down, the most comfortable boot I have ever worn. They broke in VERY fast and after a quick bake, they fit like I never knew a skate could fit.

A+ in my book.. and for $150, you absolutly cannot get a better deal.

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The F1's are will probably run a half-size larger, maybe even a full size. In other words, a size 10 CCM is probably equivalent to a size 9.5 F1.

Jason, did you mix that up? You said the F1's will run a half size larger but gave an example of the F1's being a half size smaller.

I went from a size 7 Vector to a 7.5 F1. I love the F1! I've been using them for almost a year now. They are so comfortable! I wore my Vectors a few weeks ago and they felt like a torture device compared to the F1's. The pitch of the t-blades took some getting used to when moving from the Vectors.

Jason...Read you PM's, I want to buy another pair of F1s. :)

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Jason...Read you PM's, I want to buy another pair of F1s.  :)

I've caught up on my emails, so catching up on the PM's is on tomorrow's agenda. :)

The F1's are will probably run a half-size larger, maybe even a full size. In other words, a size 10 CCM is probably equivalent to a size 9.5 F1.

Jason, did you mix that up? You said the F1's will run a half size larger but gave an example of the F1's being a half size smaller.

I went from a size 7 Vector to a 7.5 F1. I love the F1! I've been using them for almost a year now. They are so comfortable! I wore my Vectors a few weeks ago and they felt like a torture device compared to the F1's. The pitch of the t-blades took some getting used to when moving from the Vectors.

That's why I gave my example, because some people would look at the skates as running smaller because the number is smaller, while others would look it as the skates run larrger because they need to drop a size. I had hoped it would clarify the issue, but maybe I explained it poorly.

I'm surprised you went from a 7 to a 7.5 in the F1's, because I've found most people go down in size. It sounds like maybe it's a good thing that I didn't know what I was doing back then, because I probably would have suggested you go to a 6.5.... :lol:

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I have the PG1 gloves and they are a very decent glove. They are a little big and are definitely a looser fitting glove. For the price they are definitely pretty good.

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I'm looking at either the 0405 or the 0506 Salming gloves. If I wear a 13.5 inch Easton, fit well in a 70i Eagle, and a Medium Graf glove, what size should I get in the Salmings? I'm thinking 13".

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Yea, if I were to buy them again I'd probably buy the 13" salming. My hands are between 13" and 14" gloves depending on the style. I'd say the PG1's run a bit big and 13's might be just right for you.

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