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Rbk 7k vs 8k

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Ok, I have tried to search for this topic and nothing came up...and instead of hijacking a thread about the 5k's I will just start a new one.

What is the difference in quality/features between the 8k and the 7k elbow pads? I have read prety much every different review online and find only one difference....The 7k is the only elbow pad that follows all safety regulations for the NHL. Why would'nt they do that for the 8k? IDK.

The price difference between the two is 5 bucks...IDK, if anyone knows, or perhaps knows somebody who does know please hook a brother up.

Thanks for your time and knowledge.

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we'll I havn't tried on the 8k's, but I have the 7k's and love them, I've always had jofa elbows, the only difference it looks to me is the extended cuff for extra slash protection, my 7k's pretty much already go to the cuff of my glove so I didn't need that.

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If the 7K's are cheaper buy them. There's not a big difference between the two elbow pads. Both are excellent protective pads. Like Happamatt 122 said the only big difference is the longer front cuff on the 8K's which some guys prefer but others don't like. ;)

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For those who have shorter-cuffed gloves, the 8ks probably make more sense. And 7Ks for regular to longer cuffed gloves.

Edit: BTW, I've seen 8Ks and the Jofa model equivalent (9177) in the NHL. They are structually the same as the 7K AFAIK except for the extended wrist piece. Did you see documentation stating that only the 7K was NHL-apprved?

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For those who have shorter-cuffed gloves, the 8ks probably make more sense. And 7Ks for regular to longer cuffed gloves.

Edit: BTW, I've seen 8Ks and the Jofa model equivalent (9177) in the NHL. They are structually the same as the 7K AFAIK except for the extended wrist piece. Did you see documentation stating that only the 7K was NHL-apprved?

hockeymonkey lists both the 7k and 8k as "The only pad to meet the NHL standards for protection and safety to all players" so I assume they are the same pad other than the extended wrist protection.

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I believe the hockeygiant explanation has the "The only pad to meet the NHL standards for protection and safety to all players" as part of the description on the 7k only...thats what kinda made me question. Plus watching the rangers game last night, they did the shirt off the back ceremony and everyone was rocking either the 7k elbow, or the jofa model, or the Koho model, I did not see anyone w/8k. I appreciate the help guys, I know it sounded like a realy dumb question.

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I believe the hockeygiant explanation has the "The only pad to meet the NHL standards for protection and safety to all players" as part of the description on the 7k only...thats what kinda made me question. Plus watching the rangers game last night, they did the shirt off the back ceremony and everyone was rocking either the 7k elbow, or the jofa model, or the Koho model, I did not see anyone w/8k. I appreciate the help guys, I know it sounded like a realy dumb question.

Both the 7 and 8K:s has the Silver NHLâ„¢ shield logo - The silver shield logo represents that the pad meets tough NHLâ„¢ standards for protection and safety to all players.

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