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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free Energy Drink

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The ingredients look like shit. Why the hell wouldn't you want carbs before a workout/exercise? Carbs are perfectly fine before and after a workout, and help get nutrients through the body faster...they won't make you fat around workout time. And then it contains "adaptogens"...who knows what those are...they don't have the actual ingredient list online. Also "amino acids"...any amount of amino acids in one of those drinks will not be enough to help your muscles at all. last but not least, ace-k and sucralose, two artificial sweeteners to poison your body. I'd rather take sugar and at least get a natural energy boost from the carbs.

So you're paying for a can of some artificial sweeteners and flavors mixed with some b vitamins...I would say save your money.

If you want energy before a workout, take a vitamin b complex pill, eat a banana, and drink some water. If you want amino acids, mix some whey protein into your water. A lot cheaper and healthier..sorry, but I hate energy drinks, and believe them to be a complete ripoff as well as bad for your health.

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Well, i got mine in the mail today. I must say its nothing i could drink alot of. First sip and it already tastes like shit.

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I think just about all those energy drinks taste horrible. Even red bull/sobe don't taste that great, but they are better than most.

I only like energy drinks before the gym and stick to NO2 Nitric Oxide stuff like Get Diesel's Ready for War, Universal Nutrition's Shock Therapy, and even BSN's No Xplode (over priced, but works).

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