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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Blade Help

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I have the sakic now, but before that I had the shanny. I had a great backhand with the shanny but with the sakic it isn't as consitant with my backhand. Then again, my snap and slap shots aren't good with the shanny.

I also have been lifting the puck a little too high over the net with the sakic. I have had it for a while and this is about as used to the sakic as I can get.

I am thinking of trying a modano curve, but I have never used a heel curve.

Does anybody have other suggestions for adjusting this? My back hand is very important to me as well as my toe drags and getting the puck up high.

It just seems like the sakic gives my wrist shots a little too much height and the backhand not enough. Whereas the shanny gives me great backhands but not enough lift on my slap and snapshots.

I am looking for blade suggestions so that I can buy a couple and try them out before I order a new OPS. Thanks again for your help guys.

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I've been using a Modano for a few months and I'd say it offers a pretty good backhand, slap shot and snap shot...I'm not a big wrist shot person but it works for them too!

Also think about giving the Drury a go, I got one to have a play around with a few weeks ago...it's got a really nice wrist shot and if I catch it right it's got one hell of a slap shot too!

I think either of those should give you what you want

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What about Iginla? Shanny is more of a mid-toe and Iginla is a mid-heal with a little less curve. I was having issues with my backhand with an Yzerman so I switched to Iginla and I'm putting my backhands where I want them to go now.

I had to adjust a bit, I used the big curve in the Yzerman to cheat on wrist shots but once I concentrated on using the whole blade for the shot, my wristshot was fine anmd actually a little better then with the bigger curve.

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Try a Drury.

Always been been bad at shooting the puck from the heel, and since I switched, that's all I do now :rolleyes:

Still adjusting to the wristers, but slap shot is great and effortless. + I pretty much score all my goals on snap-shots now.

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What about Iginla? Shanny is more of a mid-toe and Iginla is a mid-heal with a little less curve. I was having issues with my backhand with an Yzerman so I switched to Iginla and I'm putting my backhands where I want them to go now.

I had to adjust a bit, I used the big curve in the Yzerman to cheat on wrist shots but once I concentrated on using the whole blade for the shot, my wristshot was fine anmd actually a little better then with the bigger curve.

Yeah try the Iggy. That sounds like what you'd want. I don't know about the Modano, the lie is different. The lie is a 5 where as your Shanny is 6 and your Sakic is 5.5. I can use the Shanny and Sakic with ease as far as lie goes, but as soon as I tried the Modano all the toe of my blade did was make out with the ice. The lie is what you';d have to be worried about with the modano, oh and the Iggy is a 5.5 lie.

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what about the new heatley curve out soon? I think that is also a lie 5. I looked at the Drury and it just has ahuge wedge in it. I like an open face but sometimes the sakic is a touch too open, so I would like something just under that, I doubt I can play with the drury. Any other ideas befroe I got buy 2-3 blades?

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Ignila and Heatley look the same except the Heatly is a 5 lie and Iggy is 5.5.

And heatley has a square toe

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How big of a difference will it be from the 5.5 and 6 lie blades to a lie 5 blade?

What kind of feel difference will I notice, my heel being more flat on the ice, which may give better backhands? Or will it just feel funny. I don't know how big of a difference that will be.

I have fairly good even wear on my stick and no real problems with the 5.5 and 6 lie blades. I honestly don't spend much time atall, if any, adjusting between them. Does this mean that the 5 lie would give me trouble?

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How big of a difference will it be from the 5.5 and 6 lie blades to a lie 5 blade?

What kind of feel difference will I notice, my heel being more flat on the ice, which may give better backhands? Or will it just feel funny. I don't know how big of a difference that will be.

i just experienced that feel last night at a stick and puck. It just takes some getting used to, but i am still not after around 45 minutes.

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ive switched back forth a bunch from both the sakic and modo. youre backhand will be fine once you get used to the lie. it depends on where you play your most important offense. for me, nothing is more accurate from the dots in than the sakic - it hits the corners perfect and score a lot more in tight with it. for the backhand - its definitely tough but it got easier every time i went back to it. i left the sakic because i didnt really like my toe drags or backhand - and i use them quite a bit as well. not to mention i have a hard time hitting the lower corners with slapshots from outside.

now the modo is great for those slapshots coming down the wing, nice and accurate and easy to keep low. its also great around the net for shooting low, and pretty good to the backhand once your adjusted. my problem is when im close to the net i shoot off the toe a lot - and the modo has no toe. i found i had trouble snipping goalies closer than the dots in the way i did with the sakic (others dont have this trouble, just my opinion). i also had trouble getting pucks at my feet because of the lie. you can adjust your shot to any blade, but if your a sakic guy you will notice these differences. im playing in a pretty good league right now and its important i bury my chances, so i went back to the sakic because i finish better with it - and i often dont have time for toe drags and backhands anyway. i say try em both, they both have pros and cons. if your worried about heel curves, dont go the drury route - its a huge open heel and if you think you shoot too high with the sakic, wait till you quick release a drury from further than 20 feet out.

backhands with the sakic come down to how you twist your torso and maybe lowering your bottom hand more. release when its just past your outside foot, not all the way outside like you would a more normal curve.my top hand/arm needs to stay tighter to my body than normal, as well. i used to move both hands away from my body on backhands, but with the sakic bring the top hand in and back towards you instead of away from your body.

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