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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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WinnWell Gloves?

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Also on page 17 of it in the 1800faceoff.com ad it says that the WinnWell Pro Stock gloves are similar to Eagle x70. Are they the same glove?


EDIT: Changed Question and title

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This has been discussed before. If you search, you may be able to find what you are looking for about the "SL-Si-core," which does not exist.

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What about the WinWell gloves? They look just like Eagle X70s. Are they actually Eagle over-runs that were sold to WinWell?

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I tried a pair on and they didn't feel like Eagles. The fingers were short and the glove was tight on my hand. I tried on a pair of 14 in. Winnwells and they felt smaller than my 14 in. Vapor XXs. They didn't feel terrible, but they weren't great. Plus the price was pretty high when they first came out. I actually prefered the feel of the G-lite gloves.

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