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NHL Fan Association

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Hi folks.

Are many ModSquaders members of the NHL Fan Association?

I was skeptical when I learned about them during the lock-out, however, they seem to be passing the test of time. In fact, it would appear the NHLFA is working with the NHL on a series of surveys to learn the state of the game from a fan's perspective. Kudos to them!


Here is a copy of their latest release:


NHLFA Poll Finds Fans Like New Rules

April 19, 2006

For immediate release (OTTAWA) —

Members of the National Hockey League Fans’ Association (NHLFA), some 29,000 hockey fans from across North America, are giving positivereviews to the first NHL season after a painful lock-out in 2004-05.

In its annual Fan Report poll, the NHLFA asks its members a wide variety of questions related to NHL hockey. This year fans applauded the new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and, more specifically, the salary cap on NHL players, with 78% of fans saying the CBA is a good thing for the game.

Most of the recent rule changes have been welcomed. The biggest impact seems to have come from the removal of the centre red line to permit longer passes – a move supported by 76% of NHLFA respondents. However, fans are split almost equally on the new rule that does not allow goaltenders to play the puck behind the goal line outside a designated puck handling area.

Concerning the quality of television coverage, Canada outpaces the U.S. by a large margin. Ninety per cent of Canadians feel they receive good or excellent TV coverage. That sentiment is not echoed south of the border,where just 30% of American viewers like Outdoor Life Network’s hockey coverage and 50% like NBC’s coverage.

Fans seem to be in line with the referees though, as 73% of fans think they do a good job. Nevertheless, 62% of members who responded are fearful the strict officiating will slip during the playoffs. In any case, fans still like the rough stuff with 88% saying they enjoy the fights in hockey.

And almost 80% of those who responded believe that allowing more teams to make the playoffs is a bad idea, something the NHL is considering for next season.

The entire poll results can be found at this address


The NHLFA, launched in 1998, provides hockey fans a way to express their views on NHL hockey and to influence the game for the better.

Fans become members of the NHLFA by registering at

http://www.nhlfa.com. Membership is free.

For more information, please contact:

Jim Booneboone@nhlfa.com


The only flaw in this report is I'd like to know how many people completed the survey. I know I did!

If you're not a member, you may want to join as this appears to be a good forum to have our voices heard. Per the release, membership is free.


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