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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sundin/Domi Pro Stock

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Was at my LHS last night and noticed that they have a bunch of Sundin , Domi pro stock ops TPS. There were a bunch of other Pro Stock sticks but I didn't notice any of the names.

Only other name I noticed was Tkachuk , funny though, it seemed overweight ? LOL

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I know what Domi's looks like. How about Sundin and his flex?

i had one of his xn10s the curve is pretty much the same as domi's but longer blade. the flex is stiff. i can post a pic if you want

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I would guess there would be quite a few Maple Leaf sticks around - but you won't find any of their golf clubs, OH!

Harsh.... LoL

Playoffs start tonight! NHL Season Pass TV Coverage, don't fail me now!

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