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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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explanation of equipment terms for newbies...

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Can someone explain these terms a little in depth so newbies can understand. mostly to help the forum out.


Flex - Can someone explain the differences in stick flex and how it effects your shots/stickhandling when using proper/inproper flex in a stick?

Stick blade stiffness - softer/stiffer blade, hotter blade (stealth)

Skate stiffness - how to decide how stiff of a skate to get and how it effects your skating ability.

blade sharpening - ways to sharpen your skates and how it effects skating ability

All these terms/topics IMO are good to know and understand in picking out the right equipment. if are more knowledgeable members can explain them better people can pick out the right gear for themselves.

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You can find answers to all of thsoe questions by using the search function on the website. They have all been discussed, some in great length. Spend some time trying different options in the search, and if you have specific questions that can't be answered, ask those questions.

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