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Why so many Tuuk holders in NHL?

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I have noticed a lot of NHL players use the Tuuk holder even if their skates are not Bauers. Why is this? I thought all holders do basically the same thing - hold the blade in place. What would make one holder better than another?

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Guest Muck
I have noticed a lot of NHL players use the Tuuk holder even if their skates are not Bauers. Why is this? I thought all holders do basically the same thing - hold the blade in place. What would make one holder better than another?

Feel and flex, that's why I go with Tuuk. Blades like Cobras are too stiff for my preference.

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Just preference. Especially for the younger players in the NHL, what holder have they used since they learned to skate?

Long live ICM.

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i think they are just used with the tuuks, there was a time you didn´t had a lot of different holders to chose from, so there was like only icm and tuuk (slm and so on...). the only one who´s left is tuuk, i wouldn´t change my tuuk holders even i would not skate in bauers. sure i would keep a cobra or pitch a chance but after 20 years of hockey with tuuks, why? tuuks are abolutely ok with weight, durability, and sharpening. i think it´s the whole package, there are holders you can adjust, some are stiffer, some are lighter, but all in all, the tuuk scores in all disciplines...

p.s.: t-blades suck! :lol:

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