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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All I want is a skate that fits! Help.

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Main issue is that I seem to be in the middle of 8 1/2 and 9 in Bauer Vapor model. Vapor XX's I had in 8 1/2 EE fell apart after about a year....fit perfect. Tried on XXX's in the same size...too small...length-wise. So I purchased a 9 EE. After skating in it about 10 times it is too big....both length wise and width wise. Have a pair of Kor's in a 10 and of course they fit perfect, but just can't get used to the low profile on the skate ankle.

Suggesstions? Kor Shift 2's not available until August I have been told yesterday by the people at KOR. In between a Vapor XXX 8 1/2 and 9. How about the new Easton 1500c that is heat moldable.....is it "moldable" like the Kor?

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The 1500c is moldable, but the Kor is molded differently. You won't get the same "cushony" feel like you do with the Kors. Sounds like you don't have a problem spending money, a Graf may fit you but I'm not an expert on Graf skates. I don't know how long you have but the One90 may fit you well, it's got the same moldability as the Kors, slightly better actually. If all else fails go back to the XX's you had, even though they didn't hold up well. Go with what has fit you before.

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