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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radius recommendations

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I have noticed my skating hasnt been what it used to and from advice from some fellow MSH members I asked my regular sharpener to look at my radius, etc. I was told that as long as I had them sharpened by him I would never have to worry about the radius, no need to freshen it up at all. When I inquired about the measurement of the radius I was skating on I was told the stock radius for Tuuk holders. Hmm. Took my skates to another pro shop who told me and showed me that my Tuuk were not centered on the skate, especially the left one and now the blade was pitched. He reasoned that the center of the back of the Tuuk and the center of rear of the skate should align. Which they are not. He suggested new holders or new skates. He too was not very forthcoming with info on proper radius and pitch.

My issue seems that I am skating on the balls of my feet and getting no power/bite. I am not getting into the ice like I used to. My my calves and hamstrings are fatigueing and not my quads like I used to before noticing this problem. Its almost like I am up on my skates too much.

I am 6'0' and 195lbs and a decent skater-been skating for over 10 years. I have fairly low arches. What do I do? Obviously if I keep my present skates I need new holders, but which holder for my issue? Also what radius? Pitch if any? Should I bite the bullet and buy new skates.

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Not sure if I'm reading this right, but it sounds like you were told that your holders are not centered on your skates? You should be able to have your LHS take off your holders and properly align them on your skates. If your holders are misaligned they could be causing some of the problems you described.

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Yeah I kind of realize that. I actually went to my original guy-the person who mounted the holders and explained to him they are not centered. He said they must have shifted and it would not affect my skating that much anyway. Funny since he was the one who sold me new holders a year ago to correct the same blade lean I have now again. I definitely think it is contributing but not the total answer. I think I have a bunch of little things affecting my performance. I was hoping some fellow members can give me some advice.

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More info, what model skates, what holders? What size?

Holders can shift, especially if you have holders put on your skates that are not made to be put on your skates.

Radius do not stay constant, all radius will need refreshing every once in a while.

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not to threadjack. but how often should one refresh their radius? And also what is the stock radius of size 263 Tuuk lightspeeds? I use Bauer XXs

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Thanks Jimmy for your reply. I was hoping you would answer my post. The skates themselves are 1995 Bauer 2000 that were pro stitched made for Greg Adams by Canstar when he was with the Dallas Stars. The size is 8 1/4C with a A heel counter and Tuuk custom plus 272. The reason I went to this boot was I was going through boots once a year-I was also skating at that time 5-6x a week. The boot seems to be holding up well. I've had these skates for approx 4 years and its only the last year or so that I have been having issues. The feel akward now, like the balance point is off. What concerns me most is like I said I feel like I am skating with no power, up on my toes, and all the wrong muscles are hurting me after skating. Any help most appreciated.

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The feel akward now, like the balance point is off. What concerns me most is like I said I feel like I am skating with no power, up on my toes, and all the wrong muscles are hurting me after skating. Any help most appreciated.

It sounds like you just need to get your radius refreshed. There is no set time between refreshing as one bad sharpening can wipe away a radius you had done yesterday. That's why you choose your sharpener carefully. If you have a good sharpener, then only a once a year a refresh is needed. Yes, even a good sharpener will alter the radius slightly over the course of several sharpenings.

If you have a balance issue, then it's likely it's a radius/pitch problem. The muscle problem is a dead give-away too. So, just take them to a good radius guy, that should fix your problem.

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Thanks Jimmy for the reply. Therein lies the problem-finding someone who will work with me and knows what they are doing. I am actually going this weekend to talk to someone. He mainly does figure skaters but I have heard good things. If that fails, I would like to get in touch with you through your store/website. I have a friend in VT that has good things to say about you and your services. I know you probably don't like to use these forums as a spring board for business, but from reading other posts you sound trustworthy and that is what I am looking for. I would rather give the business to a local guy but if they are not knowledgeable what can I do? Again, thanks for the sage advice. Maybe, we will be talking soon. John.

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how is it possible for a holder to shift?

i always figured they were either mounted properly, or they weren't.

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how is it possible for a holder to shift?

i always figured they were either mounted properly, or they weren't.

A holder can shift several ways. First, if you have changed your holders to a different type and new virgin holes are not drilled, the rivits can move around if the installer enlarged and existing holes. Second, if you let your rivits rust, and a few get loose and you continue to skate on the skate, the back and forth movement enlarges the holes over time, and the rivits will not be tight. Third, I've seen holders move from taking a powerful side impact.

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Thanks Jimmy for the reply. Therein lies the problem-finding someone who will work with me and knows what they are doing. I am actually going this weekend to talk to someone. He mainly does figure skaters but I have heard good things. If that fails, I would like to get in touch with you through your store/website. I have a friend in VT that has good things to say about you and your services. I know you probably don't like to use these forums as a spring board for business, but from reading other posts you sound trustworthy and that is what I am looking for. I would rather give the business to a local guy but if they are not knowledgeable what can I do? Again, thanks for the sage advice. Maybe, we will be talking soon.  John.


You are right, I don't like to use forums for business at all. In fact I tried to stay unknown on this board, and was sucessful for about a year untill someone "outed" me. :( I'm a member of many boards, not just hockey related, and it is Soooooo obvious when businesses lurk boards trying to gain business. It usually starts with a post by a 3-day new member asking if anyone has tried jimmystape.com, or asking for recommendations for good hockey shops in XX city. Members can figure out their intentions. In my case, I really don't need any internet business, I get my fill thru natural channels (search engines) and have PLENTY here locally. It is my policy to recommend folks use their local shop, and I only help them if they insist they can't get what they need locally. Having said that, see what you can find near you, you may be suprised. If not, PM me.

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