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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Face protection poll

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I have never gotten hit in the face whilst wearing nothing. But if I put a cage or a visor on, the sticks start coming up and I get beat up around the head. It's weird, just my experience.

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Currently I use no facial protection. Part of the reason I stopped was because wearing a full shield or half shield I took more sticks up high then I have not using one. Ill say Ive gotten pretty lucky not getting tagged with a puck or high stick. Dont remember what I was watching but it was a while back and the issue of the shields came up. One of the commentators opinions was that the sticks come up more because of full cages being mandatory to 18 yrs old and the kids dont learn early on how to keep their sticks down. I have to agree because when Ive gone and played pick up with somof the younger guys its crazy as far as how often sticks come up and especially when these guys are still wearing full cages.

I wear half visor, but like you said people with cage never learnt to have their stick down. I also noticed that at the shinny hockey where those with cages are pretty much all dangerous, except a couple of people, with their stick. That's why you gotta watch out when there is a little pumping kid with his cage.

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Half visor but I have just made the change from nothing after 9 years. Still trying to get used to it and I would really like to take it off as wearing nothing is really more comfortable. I have had a few close calls and I guess I should really stick it out. I have been hit in the nose several times, nose cut open, puck hit flat on eye, stick on top of eye (eye brow) and a stick just to the side of the eye...I have been lucky, nothing too bad but it could just be a matter of time, a few inches left, a few inches right, who knows...

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I wear an half visor/half cage (Oakley Combo). I also have an Oakley half visor, but right now I am comfortable with the Oakley Combo. I wore my half visor in a few games, but I never really gave myself a chance to get used to it. I like being able to go to the front of the net, or block shots and not have to worry about being drilled in the face, and there has been quite a few times where I'm really glad I was wearing it.

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If you block shots you're supposed to look away from the shot, at your own goalie, untill you (1) feel something hit or (2) see it hit your goalie.

Relying on your mask like that will make you look at the puck, and if you get mesmerized, it will catch you under the mask in the adam's apple and then... be prepared to meet your maker cause that can sometimes be the game over button.

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right now i wear a cage because i have to but come september theres juniors and i really cant wait to take it off i dunno y, i just dont lik the cage much. The cage just makes me feel restricted and fighting with a cage on is kinda wussy so i wanna get it off asap

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If you block shots you're supposed to look away from the shot, at your own goalie, untill you (1) feel something hit or (2) see it hit your goalie.

Relying on your mask like that will make you look at the puck, and if you get mesmerized, it will catch you under the mask in the adam's apple and then... be prepared to meet your maker cause that can sometimes be the game over button.

and maybe tthe career over...

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"Game over" est un langage qui signifie "Life over," plutot parmi les gamers. Je sais que c'est possible de mourir a cause d'un coup au cou comme tel.

Just saying I really meant "you're dead" Sometimes no amount of equipment can compensate for not doing the right thing on the ice.

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I'm wearing a half right now. I got caught in the mouth with a high stick last week (someone tried a cut-back move and ended up sticking me in the face), so the side of my mouth is cut, and the inside is pretty screwed up, but no zippers at least. I'll likely wear a full cage this week to protect it, but am still contemplating whether a half or full is the way to go. I am leaning towards the half again though. Had I been wearing a mouth guard I would have saved myself most of this aggrivation. Burns me because I took it out about 2-3 shifts into the game and left it out.

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