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Which is a better shoulder pad?

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I know that the Jofa 9400 shoulder pad became the RBK 7K shoulder pad. However, Reebok made a few improvements to the 9400 before they released it as the 7K, but I'm not too sure what those improvements were. My question is, what is a better pad for the money, the 7K for $80 new, or the 9400 for $40 clearance?

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Different liner, belly/spine attachments, smaller shoulder caps, adjustable bicep pads, neck padding. I think those are the key differences from the Jofa lines to the RBK. IOW, more features.

I think the answer to your question is PP, whether those features are something worth $40, and what type/level of hockey you play.

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The 7K would be more comparible to the 9700 Jofa pad. The 9400 is a slightly lower end shoulder pad more comparible to the 5K but the 9400 has more of a padded inside liner.

The 7K has hard and light ployurethane padding in the clavicle and back of the shoulder area and the 9400 doesn't. That makes it a more protective shoulder pad. It really depends on what level of hockey your playing. The 9400 will do fine for no or low contact hockey but you may want to go for the 7K if you play in a more serious contact league. Myself I would buy the best and most protective equipment I could afford to prevent injury. At least you'll have the piece of mind to know you've done everything you can to avoid serious injury regardless of what level you play. ;)

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Buy the best high end protection you can afford martywest. It's worth the investment. Better to be safe than sorry and your worth it.

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I was mistaken.  The 9400 became 6K, not 7K.

I know that's what RBK has said for the price-point conversion (http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?sh...0entry145236), but looking at the 9400 (I've got the 8400), to me it's got a lot more in common with the 7k than the configuration of the 9500 and 9700. The 9500 and 9700 actually look to me a lot more like the 6k with the integrated sternum plate, and the 9400 chest pad shape seems to be exactly that of the 7k.

I think RBK have said the 6Ks (elbow, sp and shin) are all new, so perhaps the 9500/9700 have simply gone away, with the integrated sternum being the only feature retained for the 6K. :blink:
















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