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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLB 2k6

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Ok so i just got MLB 2k6 and for some reason in season mode when i press "A" to swing, i dont swing, but if i go to homerun derby for instance, i can swing. What am i doing wrong?

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What system are you playing on? I have it for 360 and they have this new retarded thing called swing stick where you use the right thumbstick forward and back to swing. You turn it off by going to VIP settings and switching to classic hitting.

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I'd also like to say that this is the worst video game ever made. After finally changing the VIP away from that stupid pitching system, I now only have 2-3 wild pitches a game. Onto the computer assignment is weak, where you should be the SS you usually become the CF, etc.. Then the baserunning is hard as hell and it's difficult to get a home run. Oh ya, and once I finally got it together, it decided to black out on me.

Stupid X-box 360 games :(

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I'd also like to say that this is the worst video game ever made. After finally changing the VIP away from that stupid pitching system, I now only have 2-3 wild pitches a game. Onto the computer assignment is weak, where you should be the SS you usually become the CF, etc.. Then the baserunning is hard as hell and it's difficult to get a home run. Oh ya, and once I finally got it together, it decided to black out on me.

Stupid X-box 360 games :(

I think its hard as hell to hit. Base running is one of those things you just have to do to get good at it. But I've had the game for like 3 weeks now and I still suck at hitting. And I'm normally good at most baseball games so who knows.

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