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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight and speed

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leg extensions are very bad for the anatomy of the knee...squats are the king...i stick to squats and deadlifts and feel a huge skating difference with power and speed.

extensions do stretch and hurt the ACL if too much weight is used.

what are pull throughs?

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Like Yglod said you wanna focus your training on legs&core but I do think a strong upper body is important too. When I say strong, I don't say bulky. I heard Pavel Bure bench press 200 pound 16 times at fitness test back in his Vancouver time. So, upper-body is important but as hockey player we know it's not our bread and butter.

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Like Yglod said you wanna focus your training on legs&core but I do think a strong upper body is important too. When I say strong, I don't say bulky. I heard Pavel Bure bench press 200 pound 16 times at fitness test back in his Vancouver time. So, upper-body is important but as hockey player we know it's not our bread and butter.

now im not sayin we hockey players should be body builders but doing 200lbs 16 times isn't all that great although i'm sure its better than many

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Leg extensions are bad for your patella (knee cap) and it's alignment/tracking. For legs stick with deadlifts, shallow squats and dumbbell lunges.

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