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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme 8090 for $199

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Hey guys,

Right now I have Externos-60 (CCM E-60), 7.0 E.

I get blisters on my big toe because when my feet gets wet it moves a TINY bit in my toe cap. I'm considering getting 8090's, do you guys think would 7.0D fit me for the Bauer 8090s?? (They don't have them in my LHS, so I can't try them out)

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I guess you would fit in 7.0D 8090's, since I had 10.5E CCM Tacks and now I skate in 10.5D 8090's.. width is quite similiar I would say, maybe even a bit wider with 8090's.

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I guess you would fit in 7.0D 8090's, since I had 10.5E CCM Tacks and now I skate in 10.5D 8090's.. width is quite similiar I would say, maybe even a bit wider with 8090's.

Curious about the heel width in comparition. CCM are a snugger heel, right?

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Curious about the heel width in comparition. CCM are a snugger heel, right?

This is correct. However, wider heel in 8090 isn't too wide for me and I haven't had problems with it.

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