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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Pulse

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I have gone through and snapped every twig I own in the past two weeks. I need to pick one up TONIGHT, and I can either go with an SL or Pulse.

In terms of durability, which will last longer? I have a tough playoff game tomorrow, and if we are knocked out, I will want to be able to use the stick again next year, so I am worried about the stick after warranty.

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I have gone through and snapped every twig I own in the past two weeks. I need to pick one up TONIGHT, and I can either go with an SL or Pulse.

In terms of durability, which will last longer? I have a tough playoff game tomorrow, and if we are knocked out, I will want to be able to use the stick again next year, so I am worried about the stick after warranty.

I'd get the Pulse. I've been using mine for a few months now and it's holding up great. Plus the feel is awesome.

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tried the woody thing, cannot get used to the feel and after spending $30 on a 5030, the blade cracked halfway through the 2nd icetime, and the blade felt like it flared open on every shot or pass. By the end of the 3rd icetime, it snapped right in half

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pulse, haven't really used it long enough to comment too muchon that, but i've gone through 4 sl's and know that pretty much any stick with the exception of a XXX lite has better durability.

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