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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Stiffness

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I've had my Vector 7.5's since a little before Christmas. I skate on them MAYBE 2-3 times a week If that. I put Lightspeeds on them about 3 weeks ago, just picked up the boot and the stiffness is shot. I've known they have been going for a while but I can easily smush the sides together now. I baked them from 5 minutes at 175 in my shop's bauer oven back when I got them. Is the baking causing the problem? I invested in 9k's and Vapor XXX's. I'm leaning towards the XXX's because of performance and I know both XXX's and XX's have had durability problems. And how mich stiffer or how much better will the XXX's retain their stiffness for?

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well the vector 7.5 wasnt the top of the line for the vector series, its an SMU, so it probably wasnt a very stiff boot, you should go try both the 9ks and XXX on and see which one fits the best

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ive had my xxx's since july and theyve held up great. ive skated on them about 3-4 times and week and have lost some stiffness but not much. maybe i got a good pair i dont know but i havent had duribillity issue at all.

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I've also had a lacebite problem just recently. It's killing the tendon on the top of my foot/bottom shin. I tried lacing up old skates and they still kill. Sound like it will go away? I tried feeling for lumps or bumps but nthing is there. I may have injured it but it's going on 2-3 weeks. Maybe allow more time, do you think XXX's or the 9k will help that? thanks for the quick responses

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My prostock XXX's have held up great for over a year of 3-4 skates per week. I know the prostocks are a tad stiffer but they remain stiff to this day. I do take good care of my skates though.

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