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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Adrenaline C12 Control

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What is the difference bettwen the regular Adrenaline C12 and the C12C? The catalogue says something about grips but doesn't really explain it.

Does it just mean it has a sticky GRIP like all other brands when they simply say "grip"?

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I did search. "+Adrenaline" and "+control".

I'm really sick of people being so picky about others not using the search function. I did use it with no help, and was it really so hard to answer me in 20 seconds? It probably would have taken me a good 10 minutes more of searching to find the answer.

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i also hate that and they freak at you like you did something horriby wrong like if everyone just searched everything there wouldnt be anything to talk about im sure evryone has talked about every possible hockey topic lol :D

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What is the difference bettwen the regular Adrenaline C12 and the C12C? The catalogue says something about grips but doesn't really explain it.

Does it just mean it has a sticky GRIP like all other brands when they simply say "grip"?

The grip on the adrenaline control is nothing like the grips from other manufacturers. But yes, control = grip

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now youre pushing it...

nah i dont thnk im pushng it but its true i like the mods like chadd n jr (if i forget you doesnt mean i hate you lol)

but they dnot freak out when you do it they just lock it or ask yu why yuo did it they dont freak out! :D

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It creates more work for me when you don't even try to search and I'm busy enough as it is. Sometimes searching doesn't work though and questions get repeated.

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