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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jagr curve...

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He used to use Koho and I cant tell what he's using now... I assume RBK, because of the RBK -> Jofa -> Koho association. I looked through the RBK curve chart and there is no Jagr curve....

Is it just not going to exist anymore and I gotta find a clone?

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I may be mistaken but I believe the RBK Datsyuk replaced the Koho Jagr. There are still Koho sticks floating around pretty cheap also.

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He used to use Koho and I cant tell what he's using now... I assume RBK, because of the RBK -> Jofa -> Koho association. I looked through the RBK curve chart and there is no Jagr curve....

Is it just not going to exist anymore and I gotta find a clone?

Ive seen a lot of pictures, he's using a CCM stick now. i use a jagr blade as well i was able to dig up some old koho torpedo's from my friend

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if you're talking retail look into the RBK P32 (Pronger) curve. P34 (Modano) is similar although it is a mid-heel. I took my Torpedo into my LHS and matched curves as best I could, those 2 are the closest. If you're talking Jagr pro, the agreed retail equivalent is P38 (Datsyuk).

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if you're talking retail look into the RBK P32 (Pronger) curve. P34 (Modano) is similar although it is a mid-heel. I took my Torpedo into my LHS and matched curves as best I could, those 2 are the closest. If you're talking Jagr pro, the agreed retail equivalent is P38 (Datsyuk).

Jagr retail composite matches up to P38 . Jagrs pro curve is alot bigger.

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He used to use Koho and I cant tell what he's using now... I assume RBK, because of the RBK -> Jofa -> Koho association. I looked through the RBK curve chart and there is no Jagr curve....

Is it just not going to exist anymore and I gotta find a clone?

If you're looking for a Pro Pattern Jagr, I can get you one. It's a left of course. Easton Pro Graphite.

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