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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II blade for broken Synergy OPS?

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Hey guys,

So I have one of the older yellow Synergy Grip OPS that has a broken blade. I am wanting to do the cut and fit a tapered blade into it thing... but I am not certain the blade I was looking at will work. I'd prefer to not flip it over and use the standard blade, but will if I end up f-ing up the tapered end, I guess. So the three blades I was looking at were the Z-Carbon CNT, the Z-Carbon Si-Core and the Synergy II. I THINK the Synergy II is the only one that is tapered... but I'm not certain. Are the other two just standard blades? Has anyone used the Synergy II to replace their broken OPS Blade? Does it hold up well? I'd prefer not to have to shell out more cash for yet another blade anytime soon. If not the Synergy II, is there another better option? I'm looking for light, durable and a Lidstrom-like curve with a lie of 5 or below.



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Just FYI, snagged a Synergy II tapered blade. Cut the Synergy OPS right around the I and N in "pendINg". Tiny piece of foam was left in the shaft... fell right out. Heated the blade, popped it right in. I'll try it out before my game tomorrow night. I'll let everyone know what I think.



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