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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pat Quinn

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I heard rumours of Hitch being fired assuming the Flyers lose and if so, he'd fit in perfectly with those things

I don't think Clarke could get away with that again.

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i like the flyers they are my favourite tema but clark is brutal, me trades all the good players and just has no idea what hes doing!

Outside of failing to sign a top notch goalie he has actually done pretty well.

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I've heard he'll go to Vancouver to be president of their club.

I can't see Clarke firing Hitch after his Quinn firing rant. He trashed them for firing a coach who only missed the playoffs once, so I can't see him doing it to a coach who hasn't missed them.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Quinn take a year off.

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Philly is my favorite team (obviously), but Hitch isnt my favorite coach. I would love to see him get fired and Pat Quinn hired. I mean Clarke did come and support Quinn after he was fired from the leafs.

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