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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK v Bauer

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Hey i now have bauer 7000's and looking to buy the 9K's. any idea on how the sizings compare? I wear a size 9 1/2 D in my 7000's


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Lengthwise you'll be alright but the 9K has a wider fit the the Bauer because its made by CCM. It has the wider toe box like the Tacks but also the wider mid-foot fit unique to the Reebok line. You might find the fit a bit more sloppy than what your use to with Bauers. Also remember you'll need to adjust to a more neutral contour as well and you will not be as far back on your heels like on a TUUK blade and holder. ;)

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I just wanted to say, I tried on many skates and the 9k is a very comfortable skate. To be honest I felt like it had a more narrow fit, perhaps somebody else could comment on it. But, the only thing that kept me from getting it is I didn't want to spend $450 on skates.

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I just got 9k's after skating in 652's for 3 years. The 9k's felt narrower than the 652's to the point that I got them in an E width instead of a D. Some of that could be the stifness in the boot, but I just think overall it was narrower.

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