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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk hockey gloves

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Pump glove? I don't see that happening.. What purpose would the pump serve? And with all the weight freaks that seems like it would be heavy.

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I think it would be a good idea. They might be a little heavy but I think most people take feel over wieght. And with pump gloves you could customize the feel.

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Mmm, Persay. But what about mobility? I like this discussion. Do you think it would increase or decrease the mobility with the glove closer to your hand cause of a pump? Also, where would the pump be placed do you think, the top? bottom? I think RBK's best option would be a nice Nylon high end glove (IE: Vapor XXX) except with better palms.

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Mmm, Persay. But what about mobility? I like this discussion. Do you think it would increase or decrease the mobility with the glove closer to your hand cause of a pump? Also, where would the pump be placed do you think, the top? bottom? I think RBK's best option would be a nice Nylon high end glove (IE: Vapor XXX) except with better palms.

they got that. the rbk 6k gloves comes with a nash palm, very strong palm in my eyes feels great on the hand the glove nice and snug in certain spots but abit loose in the wrist

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I don't think having a pump glove would work. The only place that could have the blader is over the back of the hand. If you pump that spot up I think you would loose alot of mobility.

What they could do is add a wrist cuff like Easton and put the bladder in there. That would "lock" the glove onto your wrist and keep it froom coming off and maybe help from getting wacked on the arm...but I could imagine getting into a scrap with them on....Hold On Bud...I need to deflate....

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