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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I spring for a set of Jofa 9400 shoulders?

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So I stopped in this old time sporting goods store yesterday on softball league related business, and noticed that in their downstairs, they had a semi decent supply of hockey equipment. When I saw what they had, I was suprised at how old this new equipment was. Some of the stuff had to be 10 years old, still brand new in the bag. Anyway, one of the newer things that caught my eye, was a pair of Jofa 9400 shoulder pads marked $69.99. The owner of the store told me that he would give them to me for $39.99. Thing is I already have a pair of RBK 5K's. Do the Jofa's offer a better level of protection or are they about the same. I was thinking about getting them just to have, using one or the other as a spare set. Or should I just buy a better set of RBK's and use the 5K's as a spare. Playing rec level now, looking to move up in a season or two. Any thoughts?

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Honestly...the price isn't bad. They're actually a steal. Probabley better than the 5K Since the Rbk are made by Jofa anyway the same standard should apply. If you want to I'd get them.

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Yes , their better than the RBK 5K's. Their going for a great price. Get them. ;)

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I have a pair and I love them. For the price that is a steal. My only complaint about them is the shoulder caps. Where I also only play rec-league(mostly drop-in) they are a little bulky, probally don't need that much protection up there. But if you are moving on to something with more contact then you would want the big caps. I can see why the pros use them. Given the chance though I would buy another pair in a second though.

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