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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken M-1 Stick, Proper tapered shaft method ?

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I just recently broke my M-1 stick at the blade, but never really liked the blade, the shaft itself is great. Would it be possible to turn this stick into a tapered shaft ?? (i.e. L2) How would I remove the blade or get as close as possible to removing the tenon from the shaft ?? Has anyone done this before with success ?? I know someone who straight up cut the m-1 and they ended up having the tapered blade a little loose.

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xunknOvnx, yes, everything is possible, and if it's possible somebody has probably tried it before. Previously, there has been just the information you're looking for. Search around a bit. The last post I saw about this had great pics. Good luck.

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