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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate size differences

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As a lhs employee I can get a pair of V 10 ccm hockey skates for around $160. I am currently skating in size 8D 1300c skates. Are there any size differences between the V10 and the 1300. When I tried on the 8K skate they felt tight around the arch of the foot. Should I go with the wide size in the V10. Anyone have a size chart comparing different skates?

Thanks guys

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C-Russ....If I were you I would find someone that has the wide sizes (maybe players bench) and try those on. Since the special is only on 9k's and the 10.0's you might be somewhat limited on your ability to find someone that has them. Or....just transfer in different sizes from some of the other stores (mainly Frisco). You need to find the actualy pair that fits your foot good, maybe an 8 or maybe a 7.5, and start from there. Hurry up and get that order in before your last day.


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