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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk 5k Pump or Synergy 800c

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I am going to need a new pair of skates sometime this summer, and would like to start to think about it now. I am skating in some Rbk 5k Pumps right now and love them and will consider buying them again, but I was also wondering about the Synergy 800c. I was wondering which one will have better performance along with great durability? Also, any info about the 800c would be great. Thanks.

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you're skating in the 5ks and you're gonna need a new pair of skates this summer? Are they coming apart or something? they can't be THAT old.

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they 800 skate is pretty damn cool for the price. I'd say it would hold up longer than the 5k as far as the boot breaking down because of the composite boot still keeping it's stiffness. What is the matter with the 5ks for you?

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I grew out of them... My feet are growing really fast right now... I loved the 5k's but was just thinking that maybe the 800c was a better skate for the exact same price.

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I tend to go with what I know. I have always skated in CCM until I bought my RBK 9k's (same difference). If I am happy with the fit and performance with a product I am reluctant to change.

My son (12) skates on the 5k's and absolutely loves the. After 6 months of hard use they are still in great shape. The boots have not broke down any, holders are still in good shape and tight as are the blades. I would recommend them to anyone.

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