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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how can you tell if your blade is broken?

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I've tried that thing where you drop the blade on the ground and try to listen for a "broken" sound. At the rink in the lockerroom, my stick makes a hollow clanging ring, but when I do it at home on a tiled floor, I get a regular-sounding muted thud. Seems counterintuitive.

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I always test the stiffness of the blade to see if it's split inside. see how much the blade bends at the toe (hold the stick in front of you upside down and push the bottom of the toe away from you with your thumb and pull the top on the toe towards you with ur fingers and see how much it warps). That's how I discovered how my Starskie broke. I knew something was wrong with it cos my shots were going all over but i just couldn't pin point exactly what was broken. Turned out the thing had split down the middle.

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With composite blades, I just grab it and flex it. If I hear a "crackling" sound as it flexes, I know that some of the carbon fibers are sheared.

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