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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bure blade...

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Thanks mack...Ive been looking but cant find it...Ive been looking at the old tapered mission ether blades they have for dirt cheap on hockey monkey and wanna pick a few up, but Im looking for a curve that is a modanoish curve but it can have a square toe, I just want it with a little bit of curve depth and face straight not open....

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That sounds like the first Bure blades, the Supreme GTs or something. They changed it to something more Shanny-ish and never kept the old pattern.

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Yea thats what I was thinking...JR told me the 2002 ether red pattern was a bauer bure pattern, so thats what I was wondering if it was the older bure or the shannyish bure pattern?...I think what I may do is just get the black pattern which is a linstrom pattern and heat it up and take the open toe out and starightin it up?...mmaybe that will do I just dont know if it will hold the form

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if it's valeri bure, i'll see if i can get a pic of one...

i had 6 of his synergy grips (the yellow ones) a little while back. felt like it was around a 90 flex (just a guess) and the blade was weird...very open like a drury, but also pretty curved...i don't know how to explain it. the sticks were cut a couple inches shorter than a standard synergy, and the blades had a sandpaper-ish texture to them. i couldn't use em so i sold em but if you meant valeri, i'll see if i can snag one back for a pic...

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