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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the rbk 6k shaft

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well My easton synergry II broke. I was looking into get a rbk 6k shaft. Are these pretty comparable to the synthesis/synergry 2 shafts?

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This topic might have been discussed so search. But anyway, Ive had a couple of them. I like them a lot and think there pretty durable. They seem to be a hair more boxy than my synthesis which is pretty much the same thing as the synergy II. I like the grip, but it does kinda wear a little bit around the edges as you use them, but it doesnt really peel and flake as much as eastons. If you like non grip shafts then rbk isnt for you. The 6k only comes in grip. Also they seem to be a little bit heavyer, 10-20 grams(just a guess, could be completely wrong). Although I like the balance when pared with a snythesis or synergy II blade. One thing i did like is the 40kp flex. More pop on my snap shots and stuff compared to the snythesis's 100 flex. I would recomend it over the synthesis but this is just my opinion.

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buffalo hockey  Posted on May 8 2006, 08:25 PM

what blades do you use with the 6k?

twiztidwrista10 Posted: May 8 2006, 08:17 PM

Although I like the balance when pared with a snythesis or synergy II blade

I use mine with a Synergy II blade also. Makes a great stick.

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