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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any shops carry inline gear in the washingon dc

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Coming into summer, looking for a pair of skates, maybe couple of other bits and bobs, but from my other thread, would like to get trying on stuff, anyone know of anywhere in the DC area that has a half decent inline selection

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As I told you some time ago there is no high end roller shop in the Metro DC area. I have been directed to ProFit and Skate in Leesburg but when I called selections seemed to be limited. I suggest road tripping to PGH to go to Perani's or BFLO and go to Great Skate, or enjoy online ordering from Damon at Epuck.

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Cheers saba, I was clearing out my PMs and that got deleted. For what I need, a roadtrip wouldn't pay me, only looking for some low/mid range skates, and maybe a girdle

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As I told you some time ago there is no high end roller shop in the Metro DC area. I have been directed to ProFit and Skate in Leesburg but when I called selections seemed to be limited. I suggest road tripping to PGH to go to Perani's or BFLO and go to Great Skate, or enjoy online ordering from Damon at Epuck.

I work at Pro-fit...When did you call? and what were you looking for?

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right now we have a pretty good selection of skates in larger sizes like that...Ill PM you tomorrow after i actually see what we have Im at home now and cant remember exactly

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are you talking about the virginia wings? that rink is in whichester and yes the have a nice shop too but the DC mad dogs play at a rink without a shop...or even locker rooms.

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