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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are these holders on crooked?

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Since coming here I've learned a lot about skates, and since stopping on my right outside edge is an issue, I looked at the mounting of my holders. They look crooked to me. I've had them for years, is there anything that can be done about it? I like the way the left holder is mounted on the skate, which seems to be slightly to the inside. Just looking for some thoughts.


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It's not so much as one just being off it's just that they don't seem to be mounted the same. On the right skate (left in the picture) the heel of the holder seems to be slightly to the inside while the forefoot is centered. The left skate (right on in the pic) seems to have the heel of the holder more centered while the forefoot seems to be mounted a little to the inside. This seems to me like it would cause the blade to end up in a different alignment on each skate with regards to the true centerline of the skate.

Like I said, I am learning a lot about skates here and don't know to what tolerances these should be held to. For all I know, that's as close as they get to being the same, but somehow I think they should be more accurate, especially on what was once a good skate (Bauer 7000).

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The bottom of my Bauer 3000's look just like yours and I've often wondered the same thing (are they mounted correctly?). I've asked a couple of different sharpeners what they think and they both thought they were OK.

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