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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tryout Invitation

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I just recieved an invitation letter to the Toledo Cherokee Junior tryouts saying that I was seen by one of their scouts. Now this is all great, but Im wondering if this is for real and I might get a look, maybe not for this year but following seasons, or if they just want my $185 to tryout. Im just turning 16 in a few weeks and play U18 AA so it seems alittle odd that Im getting this. Any one know whats really going on?

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I got a bunch of those this year as well. I'm gonna say, if you want to spend the money and go and play with those guys. By all means, do it. But in reality, it's just a cashgrab. No offense intended but if they had actually wanted you they likely would ahve contacted you in person or via phone by now. Again, I think it's just a cashgrab.

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yep i got one from a couple of teams my self and yea they are all cash grabs and its funy cause some kids think there going to actually play for them i thin they pick like 2 random kids from each team and send them letters lol but yea if you think you have a shot GO FOR IT!

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yea, if someone wants you to play they will contact you via phone or something, it was funny I got contacted by someone who I didnt know, from a different state, yet they knew where I played, how I was doing, my name, address, phone number, etc. If they want you bad enough there is ways to find out everything so they will call you, its just a cash grab, but if your rents are up for it have them pay and see where you stand against those kids and see what you need to improve on.

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Lots of junior teams will send out a ton of letters just to bring in some extra money. I know some junior teams around here that will send out a couple hundred letters, and have a 100 spots open for who ever signs up first. And this is just for the spring camp where out of these hundred or so players that show up only around 5 or 10 will be invited back to the fall camp.

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You can not be sure. Usually if a scout sees you and really likes you, he will be waiting for you when you walk out of the locker room. They talk to the coaches and arrange to meet you.

But it is possible he did see you but was too busy with someone else and could not find you afterward. Call up or email and try to see if they remember anything about you. If it sounds like they took some notes, it is legit.

Some of the more bogus leagues in the northeast just sit out in the lobby and try to sign up anyone that looks like he can carry a gear bag!

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I'd say don't bother. I got letters from several AAA teams that sounded just like that (mind you I play midget A major) so theres no way in crap I coulda made a AAA team. Its all for money..

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i got letters from the NY apple core, boston bulldogs, and jr bruins, and a bunch of other US teams. they were all bullshit, recruiting for there si the same as college, coach will talk to u if he wants you. in terms of canada, i got legit letters, but didnt take them up, bad call

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Even though I would feel retarded going, knowing that its all bullshit would it be good experience? or is it just going to be a bunch of kids who actually think they have a chance in hell at making it?

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i got one of those from a pijhl team, went to tryouts now the year after im going to their main camp, so i'd say if your intentions are to play junior then why not pay the $185 (you are probably getting 3-5 ice times) and see how far it takes you. At the camps ive gone to they incorporate veterans in there aswell.

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oh yeah, well i got a letter from the vancouver canucks inviting me to rookie camp and its not costing me a dime, you guys think i should go?

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oh yeah, well i got a letter from the vancouver canucks inviting me to rookie camp and its not costing me a dime, you guys think i should go?


I heard they need new waterboys and fluffers. You will do an ACE job!!



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smoke my pipe pal, did you get an invite too? chris what did you have for lunch, a chicken sanwich?

I don't get the chicken sandwhich deal? I played hockey at lunch.

I got a call directly from the coach, he said he heard I was doing a great job with the water for my current team.


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oh yeah, well i got a letter from the vancouver canucks inviting me to rookie camp and its not costing me a dime, you guys think i should go?


I heard they need new waterboys and fluffers. You will do an ACE job!!



i heard you're recruitng fluffers, now do you use lip balm or chap stick. fact of the matter is, lets not avert the attention away from you sheldon kennedy

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oh yeah, well i got a letter from the vancouver canucks inviting me to rookie camp and its not costing me a dime, you guys think i should go?


I heard they need new waterboys and fluffers. You will do an ACE job!!



i heard you're recruitng fluffers, now do you use lip balm or chap stick. fact of the matter is, lets not avert the attention away from you sheldon kennedy

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I don't get the Sheldon Kennedy thing man. Weren't these kids like 17/18 that Graham James was molesting or whatever?

If my coach tried that crap on me when I was 17, I would have beaten him until he couldn't breathe. And there ain't no court that puts you in jail for that.


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oh yeah, well i got a letter from the vancouver canucks inviting me to rookie camp and its not costing me a dime, you guys think i should go?


I heard they need new waterboys and fluffers. You will do an ACE job!!



i heard you're recruitng fluffers, now do you use lip balm or chap stick. fact of the matter is, lets not avert the attention away from you sheldon kennedy

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I don't get the Sheldon Kennedy thing man. Weren't these kids like 17/18 that Graham James was molesting or whatever?

If my coach tried that crap on me when I was 17, I would have beaten him until he couldn't breathe. And there ain't no court that puts you in jail for that.


hey timmy tough nuts, how much you bench?

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