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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming TF Evolution

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Does anybody have one or used one or have any idea what kind of stick it is? I want one and have the means to get one, but was curious if it would be worth my time, effort, and money? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys

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Good: It's light, whippy and has a smooth texture. (That's in comparison to other sticks I've used.)

Bad: Only available in 5.5 lies. Some people have had issues with the blades fissuring. (Although I've used mine for five months now with very little signs of deteriorating.)

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I only used my evolution for 5 games but..

Good: The 85 flex is whippy but it doesn't twist at the bottom when you shoot like the 1100 and the kickback is awesome -- I almost gave up on whippy sticks after using the innos but I love shooting with this stick. The shaft feels like it's smaller than other shafts, maybe because it's rounded or it really is smaller but it feels nice and comfortable when I hold it. + it's white! How often do you see a white hockey stick?

Bad: Nothing to report yet but a small piece of the white part chipped off my blade near the heel on my first game but that usually happens with composite blades on a roller surface.

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I love my TF Evolution. Although I am now on my second one. The first one, the toe chipped and split after my 3rd skate. The new one is holding up fine had it for a month.

The Salming G1 was my favorite, lasted 14 months.

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